5 Months

Today the babies are 5 months old! Time is going so fast. The weather has changed into the cooler fall days, which is nice. We are still able to walk during the day, we are taking advantage of this weather before freezing temperatures come.

Lately when we pick Eileen up she wraps her arm around your shoulder and it feels like the sweetest little hug!

Of course, after I blogged about how well they have been sleeping at night, this week has been terrible, Eileen has needed to be rocked to sleep and Ewan has been crying for 40 minutes before calming down enough to give into the sleep. It is still so much easier than the hours of crying Ewan used to go through before bed. Ewan doesn’t seem to suffer from gas pains anymore, and he smiles more than he cries now!

Ewan has this beautiful smile, he smiles with his mouth, cheeks and eyes

Onsies came from my friend Nicole and her husband Chris

Meeting Great Grandma Eileen & the West Coast Maclean Crew

For labour day weekend Janet and I packed up the babies and hopped on a flight to Vancouver to spend some time with our family there and most importantly, so that the babies could meet their great grandmother, my Oma; Eileen’s namesake.

This was the babies 3rd flight on the way out and 4th on the way home and to date they have been excellent flyers (with a little prep work from mom and dad).

Click on images for a larger version.

Airport Check-in
Airport Check-in

Unsurprisingly, Heather no longer has Wayne’s crib given that he’s now 30-something and we couldn’t exactly take our baby boxes on the plane so some creative thinking was in order. The result: suitcases make for a pretty decent baby bed!

Suitcase Bed
They didn’t actually share a suitcase, that would be silly

Aunt Heather and Uncle Peter graciously hosted us for the weekend and organized a visit at Oma’s place for us all. As always, they also made sure there was lots of excellent food to eat as well.

Oma was so happy to meet the babies and it was really lovely to hear Oma showing off her great grand-babies to her friends. The babies were definitely popular with the other residents and staff there.

Oma with Ewan, Eileen and Madeline
Oma with Ewan, Eileen and Madeline

Everyone took turns holding the babies.

Loren and Vicky with Ewan and Eileen
Loren, Vicky and Madeline with Ewan and Eileen
Wayne and Ewan
Wayne and Ewan
Heather and Peter with Eileen and Ewan
Heather and Peter with Ewan and Eileen
Madeline and Ewan
Madeline and Ewan
Bowen and Eileen
Bowen and Eileen
Vicky, Madeline and Bowen with Ewan and Eileen
Vicky, Madeline and Bowen with Ewan and Eileen

It was so great to have my Oma, my brother Loren and his wife Vicky and their kids Madeline and Bowen, Vicky’s mother Ping, my cousin Wayne, my aunt and uncle Heather and Peter and Janet, Ewan, Eileen and I all together in the same place at the same time.

The Whole Crew
The Whole Crew

The babies had a great time as did the rest of us and we are looking forward to the next time we can all get together.

No consents were obtained for sharing any of the photos above, if you have any concerns, please let me know. Better to ask forgiveness than permission… right?

Newborn Photo Shoot

We are having a little difficulty getting new albums to display in our photo album but we can share those albums in blog posts so here are the long overdue images from the newborn photo shoot.

4 months!

I can’t believe the twins will be 4 months old in a couple of days!! Things have been a little bit easier over the last 3 weeks. They are sleeping longer at night and going longer between feedings during the day. I feel a little bit of my sanity return with a bit of a night time sleeping routine forming. Day time naps are still all over the place, Ewan won’t nap for more than 15 minutes unless he’s being held. Eileen will sleep anywhere anytime, it’s remarkable how great of a sleeper she is. They both nap in the stroller when we are out walking. I try to get out walking at least 5 days a week.

Over the past month they have really started to notice each other exists. They make eye contact and watch each other’s moves.

This photo was taken on July 31 and it was the first time Eileen intently stared at Ewan following his movements.

Ewan discovered his feet during activity mat time on August 11, and he rolled over for the first time on August 18. He is so strong, he will hold his head up for over a minute

Eileen isn’t quite as strong but she’s trying!

They are both practicing sitting up in the bumbo seat

Last night we took the babes to a community BBQ with a live band that I helped organize as part of my volunteerism for our local community association. Everyone was in love with them haha! They especially liked the ear muffs!

Last weekend I spent my first 8 hours away from the babes. I hike mount Yamnuska with a couple friends.

Survived the First 3 months

We have decided to use the blog as a baby book, but we are missing a post about surviving the first 3 months.

Eileen and Ewan had low birth weights due to preeclampsia and were considered late pre-term twins, born at 36 weeks and 4 days. Ewan’s birth weight was under 5lbs which is the threshold for being admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) so our new family was separated almost immediately after birth. We spent as much time as we could with Ewan in the NICU over the next 48 hours but then Kyle came down with the flu and was denied access to the NICU. Meanwhile my blood pressure remained dangerously high and there were concerns that Eileen could be developing jaundice and the prospect that Eileen, Ewan and I could end up in 2 separate hospitals was very real. Fortunately Ewan’s stay in the NICU was relatively brief at 5 days, Eileen’s potential jaundice began to clear up, and my blood pressure started to come down.

Even though both babies had strong latches, neither one had the stamina to express all required nutrients from the breast, so we topped up each feeding with bottles of expressed breast milk anywhere from 30-60 mls. This whole process would take over an hour between breast feeding, preparing bottles, bottle feeding, pumping, cleaning up and then sanitizing bottles and pumping equipment, and with the babies being fed every 2-3 hours, it felt like an unending cycle with little time to get anything done between feeds (including sleep). It was all worth it though as topping up with bottle feedings worked really well and both babies started gaining an ounce or more a day.

We were feeding about 10-12 times a day and I was pumping 6-8 times a day to keep my milk supply up and have enough breast milk for bottle feedings. As you can imagine it was a lot of work cleaning and sanitizing the bottles and pump equipment. Our parents were a huge help with cleaning, sanitizing and bottle feeding. The last day we topped up a feeding with a bottle was July 2 (last day of our first camping trip) and Ewan pukes it all up! About 2 weeks later I stopped pumping all together (after a 3 week progression of eliminating 2 pumps a week), my supply was strong and the babies were feeding really well.

Around 2 weeks old Ewan started suffering from gas pains. He would cry after every feeding. We even bought special bottles to help with gas pain and administered probiotics daily. These things helped lessen his pain but the only real cure was time. Eventually (around 3 and half to 4 months old) Ewan’s developed the ability to pass gas and digest breast milk without discomfort.

Those first 3 months were tough, Ewan was inconsolable and would cry for hours. It always seemed worse at night from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see Ewan in such pain and not be able to do anything to stop it. We watched you tube videos on how to calm a crying baby and exercises to alleviate gas pain. Eileen would experience gas pain from time to time, but the majority of the time she would let out trucker farts and burps.

Throughout this time frame we were being supported by the Doctors and nurses in the postpartum unit, the NICU, public health nurses who came to our home more often than not, my OB, a Lactation Doctor, our family Doctor, and the Public Health clinic where the twins were vaccinated. It was great to have all that support but it also meant that our days were very full with many different medical appointments.

All the medical professionals commented on how calm and relaxed we were as first time parents and parents of twins to boot.

Around One month old

Around 2 months old

Folk Fest

Kyle and I took the babies to the Calgary folk fest on Saturday. The babies were great! Friends were eager to hold babies 😀. We ended the night wearing babies and dancing to the headliner the Barenaked Ladies!

The babies were so tired when we got home they slept soundly for hours (there was a lot of visual stimulation at the festival).

This was our first day trip, we were gone for 9 hours and it took us 2 hours to get ready!

It was fun!!