Grandpa Maclean and Grandma Martin’s 70th Birthday Party in the Okanagan

We flew out for a super quick visit to Kaleden in order celebrate grandpa Maclean and grandma Martin’s joint 70th birthday party along with friends Yvonne and David.

The party itself was lots of fun with excellent food, wine and dancing in the historic 1912 restaurant in Kaleden.

Click on images to enlarge.

Grandpa Maclean and Grandma Martin 70th birthday
Grandpa Maclean and Grandma Martin 70th birthday

Party Time!
Party Time!

Naturally, the babies were a big hit at the party, and stayed up well past 9pm (10pm MST)!

The next day the babies had a blast crawling all around underneath the dinner table.

Ewan using the dinner table as a jungle gym
Ewan using the antique dinner table as a jungle gym
Ewan and Eileen using the dinner table as a jungle gym
Ewan and Eileen using the antique dinner table as a jungle gym

That night we were treated to a lovely sunset over Skaha lake.

Okanagan sunset
Okanagan sunset

The next day we all spent a little time on the lawn practicing some walking and enjoying the grass before hopping on a plane home.

Author: Kyle Maclean

IT Guy during the week, hunter, mountain biker, and snowboarder on the weekends. I was born and raised in Calgary and attended the U of C where I completed a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. Shortly after graduating I got a job with Calgary Alternative Support Services as a Systems Analyst and I've been there ever since.

3 thoughts on “Grandpa Maclean and Grandma Martin’s 70th Birthday Party in the Okanagan”

  1. Looks like a great time in Kaleden for your parents’ birthdays!! Is Ewen walking on his own yet?

    1. Surprisingly Ewan has not made a lot of progress with his walking and Eileen continues to make great progress. Ewan still needs someone to hold both his hands to walk around whereas Eileen can walk around holding only one hand, and she even takes 3-4 steps on her own at times. Ewan was a good two months ahead of Eileen and now Eileen is ahead of Ewan!

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